Dow Biomedica is a market developer & distributor of in-vitro diagnostics products. Through partnership with global leaders, we are introducing cutting-edge technology products to our customers. Dow intends not to compete in the established market segments but to develop specialty areas which may be required for development. Dow is proud to have contributed to improvement of medicare for human health through providing innovative technology products.
It is the only free light chain assay recommended by national and international guidelines The Freelite assay is composed of two sensitive and specific immunodiagnostic tests to measure kappa (κ) and lambda (λ) free light chains 혈종모니터링으로만 하용하던 FLC 마커가 이제는 단클론감마병증 선별검사로 사용할 수 있게 되었습니다. 이제 급여적용을 통해 형질세포질환, 악성림프종 환자를 대상으로 의심 환자에서 진단(선별), 진단 환자 치료모니터링, CRAB 증상 환자에 적용이 가능합니다.