EW4D: Sep. 25 (Fri), 12:00-13:00/ Room D (1F)
SD BIOSENSOR was established in 2010. Since then, there has been a continuous growth in the number of innovative products, production facilities and sales. Currently, 158 diagnostic assays are available selling globally to more than 517 distributors. We are working on research and development of immunological, molecular diagnostics and blood glucose self-monitoring system. We has been developing and manufacturing innovative diagnostic platforms that focus on; •Point of Care Testing •From screening tests to simple and reliable confirmatory tests
This product help for the diagnosis of human tuberculosis infection based on IGRA (Interferon Gamma Releasing Assay) method. - Advantages: 1. Fast turn around time & High test efficiency 2. High Sensitivity & Specificity 3. Fully Automatable ELISA test
This product is a fluorescent immunoassay system. - Advantages: 1. Simple & easy to use. 2. Europium-based fluorescent chemistry 3.Time saving by early detection * Influenza A/B, RSV Ag, Legionella Ag, S.pneumoniae Ag, D-dimer, CRP, iFOB, HbA1c