- Session times are Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT+9).
* Symposium 01: '우수검사실 인증심사원 워크숍' 세션입니다.
* Symposium 02: '지도전문의' 전문학회 필수 교육 세션이며, 4시간을 모두 수강하여야 이수증이 발급됩니다.
* Symposium 18: '전공의 및 신임전문의 워크숍'(대한진단검사의학회 '전공의 워크숍') 세션입니다.
* Symposium 19: '감염관리' 필수 교육 세션이며, 대한의사협회가 지정한 필수 교육으로 2시간을 모두 수강하셔야 “2평점” 지급됩니다.
• 상기의 SY 01, 02, 18, 19 세션은 각 방 앞의 데스크에서 입/퇴실 바코드를 별도로 태그해야만 평점이 인정됩니다.
CLSI-KSLM Joint Session: Introduction of Key CLSI Documents
Introduction of key CLSI documents
Date & Time | September 26, (Thu.) 09:00-10:30 |
Room | Room A (1F) | Language | Eng |
Chair(s) |
Speaker(s) |
[ICSH-KSLM] joint symposium] Establishing ICSH Guidelines for Standardizing Hematology Tests
Standardization is a crucial focus in clinical laboratories. As an affiliate member of the International Council for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH), the KSLH (KSLM) has been actively participated in the council's standardization activities. In this symposium, we will present ICSH's initiatives and ongoing projects, sharing our experiences in these standardization efforts. We aim to encourage KSLM members to become more actively involved in the global standardization of hematologic tests.
Date & Time | September 26, (Thu.), 09:00-10:30 |
Room | Room B (1F) | Language | Eng |
Chair(s) |
Speaker(s) |
ADLM-KSLM Joint Symposium
Getting Started with Data Analytics: Indirect Reference Intervals as a Case Study
Date & Time | September 26, (Thu.), 09:00-10:30 |
Room | Room D (1F) | Language | Eng |
Chair(s) |
Speaker(s) |
Plenary Lecture 02: Opportunities and Limitations of Big Data in Laboratory Medicine
Date & Time | September 26, (Thu.), 10:50-11:50 |
Room | Room C (1F) | Language | Eng |
Chair(s) |
Speaker(s) |
Keynote Lecture 01: Machine Learning in Clinical Microbiology: Addressing Promises and Challenges
Date & Time | September 26, (Thu.), 13:00-13:40 |
Room | Room C (1F) | Language | Eng |
Chair(s) |
Speaker(s) |
Review of the Latest Guidelines and Case Applications in the Field of Diagnostic Genetics
To enhance understanding of recently updated important guidelines in the field of diagnostic genetics, we aim to review them and apply real cases for practical comprehension.
Date & Time | September 26, (Thu.), 13:00-14:30 |
Room | Room A (1F) | Language | Eng |
Chair(s) |
Speaker(s) |
Current Status and Future Perspective of Toxicology
Toxicology is a broad field that measures the effects of various chemicals on the human body. Due to the increasing abuse of new and numerous types of toxic substances, the importance of toxicology is increasingly highlighted. In this symposium, we will explore the current status and future of toxicology from a laboratory medicine and forensic science perspective, introduce the latest trends in toxicology testing from screening to confirmation, and discuss the present and future of toxicological analysis using mass spectrometry.
Date & Time | September 26, (Thu.), 13:00-14:30 |
Room | Room B (1F) | Language | Eng |
Chair(s) |
Speaker(s) |
NGS-based Diagnosis in Clinical Microbiology
Next-generation sequencing has been recognized for its excellent performance in diagnosing human genetic diseases, and its clinical use is expanding. In the field of clinical microbiology, it is also useful for infectious disease diagnosis and epidemiology, healthcare-associated infection control, and also the epidemiology and infection control of infections that are important to public health. Although it is still at the research level, microbiome analysis is being used to identify the relationship between the body's normal flora and fauna in the growth and development of the human body, including development of the nervous and immune systems, and also various dysbiosis-related disease conditions. In this session, we would like to demonstrate the usefulness of next generation sequencing technology for infectious disease diagnostics and research through real-world case studies. The level of lecture is aimed at residents, specialists, and professors with expertise in laboratory medicine.
Date & Time | September 26, (Thu.), 14:50-16:20 |
Room | Room A (1F) | Language | Eng |
Chair(s) |
Speaker(s) |
Artificial Intelligence and Innovation in Laboratory Medicine
With the recent advances in artificial intelligence, the use of AI in various medical fields such as diagnosis and prognosis prediction is increasing. Three speakers will present the principle and application of deep learning in medicine, the use of AI in liquid biopsy for cancer screening, and the diagnosis and prediction of infectious diseases with biomarkers incorporating AI. This session will be a special opportunity to understand the innovations that AI will bring to laboratory medicine in the era of 4th industrial revolution.
Date & Time | September 26, (Thu.), 14:50-16:20 |
Room | Room B (1F) | Language | Eng |
Chair(s) |
Speaker(s) |
Automation in Blood Bank Testing
In this session on 'Automation in Blood Bank Testing,' we delve into automated testing principles in blood banking, share practical experiences with these systems, and analyze current technological trends.
Date & Time | September 26, (Thu.), 14:50-16:20 |
Room | Room C (1F) | Language | Eng |
Chair(s) |
Speaker(s) |
The KSLM’s Journey to Go Global
This session will review the overall efforts of KSLM's globalization and present specific aspects of these efforts, including globalization of the conference LMCE and the journal ALM, and insights from the industry perspective. The goals of the session are to showcase the history of KSLM's globalization, from its humble beginnings to its current status with LMCE and ALM, and to illustrate how KSLM plans to adapt to the changing environment and advancements in clinical laboratory science. Additionally, participants will gain insight into how the industry collaborates with academia in the globalization process. We hope that this information will be beneficial and motivating for participants and their respective societies or associations as they strive to expand globally.
Date & Time | September 26, (Thu.), 14:50-16:20 |
Room | Room D (1F) | Language | Eng |
Chair(s) |
Speaker(s) |
KHIDI-KSLM Joint Symposium
Discussion on Collaboration Measures for Promoting and Boosting Exports of Promising In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices
Date & Time | September 26, (Thu.), 16:40-17:40 |
Room | Room A (1F) | Language | Eng |
Chair(s) |
Speaker(s) |
Practice Characteristics and Relative Value of Clinical Pathologists
We aim to review the practice characteristics and relative value of Clinical Pathologists’s work in the current status of laboratory medicine. We seek to systematically categorize the tasks of laboratory medicine in the pre-, intra-, and post-analytic phases, establishing a consistent classification system for procedures. We plan to redefine individual procedures in the pre-, intra-, and post-analytic phases for representative items in various fields among recently developed and existing tests. Furthermore, we discuss comprehensive procedures that can encompass the entire field of laboratory medicine. We compare the workload, considering recent test volumes, with the existing data on physician workload analysis. Through this session, we aim to understand the actions and work value of Clinical Pathologists in preparation for changes in the value-based fee schedule system.
Date & Time | September 26, (Thu.), 16:10-17:40 |
Room | Room E (1F) | Language | Kor |
Chair(s) |
Speaker(s) |