Program at a Glance

Wednesday, September 25

Room Room A (1F) Room B (1F) Room C (1F)
10:30-12:00 SY 01 (Kor)
Simultaneous KOR-ENG provided
Inspector Workshop of Korean Laboratory Accreditation Program
12:00-16:00 SY 02 (Kor)
Simultaneous KOR-ENG provided
Education Course for Clinical Pathologists
17:00-17:30 Opening Ceremony
17:30-18:30 PL 01
Toward Personalized Transfusion Medicine:
A Study on the Asian-Type DEL Blood Group
and the Development of CAR-NK Cells (17:30-18:30)
18:30- Welcome Reception
(1F, Lobby)

Thursday, September 26

Time Room A (1F) Room B (1F) Room C (1F) Room D (1F) Room E (1F)
08:00-09:00 EW 01(08:00-09:00) EW 02(08:00-09:00) OP 01
OP 02
09:00-10:30 SY 03
Joint Symposium

Introduction of Key CLSI Documents
SY 04
Joint Symposium

Establishing ICSH Guidelines for Standardizing Hematology Tests
SY 05
Joint Symposium

Getting Started with Data Analytics: Indirect Reference Intervals as a Case Study
10:30-10:50 Break
10:50-11:50 PL 02
Opportunities and Limitations of Big Data in Laboratory Medicine
11:50-12:50 EW 03(11:50-12:50) EW 04(11:50-12:50) EW 05(11:50-12:50) EW 06(11:50-12:50) EW 07(11:50-12:50)
13:00-13:40 SY 06
Review of the latest guidelines and case applications in the field of diagnostic genetics
SY 07
Current Status and Future Perspective of Toxicology
KS 01
OP 03
OP 04
14:50-15:00 SY 08
NGS-based diagnosis in clinical microbiology
SY 09
Artificial Intelligence and Innovation in Laboratory Medicine
SY 10
Automation in Blood Bank Testing
SY 11
The KSLM’s Journey to Go Global
15:30-16:20 SY13 (Kor)
Practice Characteristics and Relative Value of Laboratory Physicians
16:40-17:40 SY 12 (Kor)
EW 08(16:40-17:40) EW 09(16:40-17:40)
17:40-18:00 Break
18:00- Banquet
(2F, ASEM Ballroom)

Friday, September 27

Time Room A (1F) Room B (1F) Room C (1F) Room D (1F) Room E (1F)
08:00-09:00 EW 10(08:00-09:00) Asia&ASCPaLM 01
Blood Supply and Availability (08:00-10:30)
09:00-10:30 Senate Meeting
SY 14
The Essentials of Laboratory Management
10:30-10:50 Break
10:50-11:50 PL 03
Worldwide Shortage of Professional Laboratory Manpower in Digital Era(10:50-11:50)
11:50-12:50 EW 11(11:50-12:50) EW 12(11:50-12:50) EW 13(11:50-12:50) EW 14(11:50-12:50) EW 15(11:50-12:50)
12:50-13:00 Break
13:00-13:40 KS 02
Clinical Laboratory Testing for Pharmacogenomics: A Rapidly Changing Field (13:00-13:40)
SY16 (Kor)
KDCA-KSLM Joint Symposium(13:30-15:30)
14:00-15:30 SY 15
Various diagnostic approaches to Organ-specific autoimmune diseases
SY 17 (Kor)
MFDS-KSLM Joint Symposium
Current Trends and Preparedness for IVD Using Laboratory (14:00-15:30)
SY 18
Education Workshop for Residents and New Specialists in Laboratory Medicine
Experiences from Overcoming the Challenges of COVID-19
15:30-16:30 KSLM Assembly Meeting
Addressing Non-Communicable Diseases in ASCPaLM Countries(15:40-17:10)
SY 19 (Kor)
Infection Control in the Field of Laboratory Medicine